PRO-MAR S.A. can pride itself on positive opinions expressed by entities and bodies authorised to conduct business compliance assessments. These assessments are made not only in the context of the current financial situation of the company but also its development potential, competitiveness on the market, quality of products and services, as well as customer service expertise.
The assessment of PRO-MAR S.A. was made by CrediFact Sp. z o.o., a company dealing with risk assessment and monitoring. It fully confirmed our credibility. PRO-MAR S.A. offers its customers, as a token of recognition, a bonus guaranteeing a 50% discount on research on business entities ordered at CrediFact Sp. z o.o. To claim this discount, please contact our company.
Evaluation of Gestor Advisory Office cooperating with our company in the scope of preparing applications for co-financing from the European Union funds. PRO-MAR S.A. offers its customers, as a token of recognition, a bonus guaranteeing a 50% discount on the preparation of applications for co-financing from the European Union funds commissioned to Gestor. To claim this discount, please contact our company.
Information about our company can also be obtained from international financial institutions, e.g. insurance company Euler Hermes, which introduced PRO-MAR S.A. into international structures of reliability testing.
We also received positive opinions from Bank PKO S.A., which cooperates with us, as a result of cooperation based on electronic reporting of the integrated management system.